About Us
Hello, welcome to SuperABC!
I believe we will definitely give you a satisfactory shopping experience!
What kind of company is SuperABC?
Firstly, I am also a passionate luxury bag enthusiast. Before starting to sell replicas, I purchased many genuine LV and Chanel handbags, as well as many replicas at the same time.
I always feel very distressed when buying luxury replicas. The replicas purchased at the same price have good quality, but many times the products do not satisfy me.
So I spent a lot of time looking for factories that could produce stable quality replicas, but in fact, it's not a once-and-for-all solution, because even good factories can disappear after a year or two.
After helping my friends buy many high-quality replicas, I had the idea of starting a company. This industry requires customers to spend a lot of time distinguishing between truly good products, and I can provide such services to help customers save a lot of time and effort.
We started from Amazon and later sold products on Shopify, until now we have our own website completely independent. In 7 years, we have served over 10000 customers. Although we have changed our website three times, we are very grateful to our customer friends who have always supported us!
Why choose SuperABC?
We have 7 years of experience and know what products customers truly need.
So we have established a strict product inspection process to ensure that every product sent out is of high quality.
We have a smooth and secure payment channel, and customers can choose PayPal, credit card, and other payment methods.
And 180 days of extended after-sales support, 24-hour quick response to customer inquiries!
The current state of the luxury replica industry!
Because our products cannot be regularly sold on major online platforms, the industry lacks a universal quality standard and reasonable regulations.
Customers must rely on luck and merchant integrity to find satisfactory replicas.
Customers primarily seek value for money, not products that are cheap despite their low price.
Other merchants might sell a handbag for $50 with a profit of $30; however, our $100 handbag might yield less than $10 profit.
We are committed to investing heavily in product quality and after-sales service to reward our customers' ongoing trust and ensure a consistently high-quality customer experience!