How to Choose Satisfactory Products When Purchasing Fake Luxury Goods/Copy/Replica/Reproduction
[Color Difference]
This is the easiest to see from the appearance. We only need to compare the color difference between the genuine and fake pictures. High-quality replicas are difficult to distinguish from the appearance and color, and if not put together for comparison, it is impossible to see. However, very cheap imitations can easily be seen as having inferior color.
[Leather Touch]
Good leather and poor leather can be felt immediately by hand. If the leather is particularly poor, it can also be seen by observation. The feel of high-quality replica leather is very comfortable and natural, although it is not as delicate as the genuine leather, but it is very close. Cheap replicas may not be as pleasing to the touch as the genuine leather after receiving the product.
[Hardware and Zipper]
The zippers and hardware of replicas are often overlooked. Many replicas with low prices use cheap zippers and hardware because they only pursue low prices and high profits, and inevitably use the worst accessories. Good hardware and zippers are not only durable but also have a natural metallic luster, making them appear expensive.
All leather products have an unavoidable smell, and even good leather can have a strong smell depending on the time it is left out. This is the best solution to the problem, as it only takes a day or two for the smell to dissipate in a ventilated area. Of course, very high-quality leather has been carefully treated and will have a unique leather fragrance. Most replicas use leather that has an odor due to the short production time.
[Production Process]
An important difference between high-end goods and cheap goods is the production process. Our website Superabc also introduces the entire production process of replicas regarding the production process. Needlework, leather cutting, glue handling, many details require a lot of experience to do well. High-quality replicas can achieve most of the details of the original version, while poor replicas will simplify many steps and naturally produce a subpar result.