Introduce You to Luxury Rreplicas
What is the difference between different versions of the replica on the market?
There is actually no uniform standard for the quality of replica goods, so the quality of the product will vary greatly depending on the production factory and even the workers who make it. And we exist to select good quality products for our customers.
We have divided the copies on the market into 3 levels, low version, medium version and high version. This is just the level we define, and each merchant may have a different classification method. We only distinguish the grade according to the quality and material of the product.
Lower version - has more obvious flaws, and even has obvious errors in appearance. It is easy to see that it is not the same as the genuine version, and the touch is very poor.
Intermediate version (original 1:1 copy) - the appearance has been the same as the original, the production process and materials have been upgraded, after our team's quality inspection, most customers can be satisfied with the product.
Premium Version (highest quality version) - the best version you can find on the market! The appearance is the same as the genuine product, every detail of the manufacturing step is perfect, and the same grade of raw materials are used. Because the production process is more demanding, only a few workers can make it, so the number is relatively small. (Not every product will be produced in the highest quality version)
Our team exists for more than just selling goods to customers. It also includes the selection of good quality goods, so that customers do not have to face many products and do not know how to distinguish; Tell customers about the production process and how to tell what kind of business is reliable.